申请商业津贴          广告传宣设计          欢迎加入团队          成为赞助商
             GBS短讯系统 + 公益活动赞助商 + 人脉银行会员(享有20,000名消费者联络方式,分区分类。。。)
         短讯系统服务                                         SMS system services:
             1. 可通过手机短信传达宣传资料。                                           1. can be communicated through SMS promotional materials                                                        
              2. 可将您的客户群分类分区。                                                    2. can be classified partition your customer base                                                             
              3. 可在客户的生日定时发出短讯。                                           3. customers can send SMS's birthday time.                       
              4. 在节日,促销日定时发出短讯通知。                                  4. in festivals, promotional SMS notification issued on time.
              公益活动赞助商:                                  Sponsor public service activities:                                 
        1.成为慈善机构赞助商之一。                                                     1. Become a sponsor of the charity.
             2.辅助国民对义工活动的认知。                                                 2.auxiliary national awareness of volunteer activities.
             3.推动及辅助公益活动扩展。                                                     3. Promoting and supporting public welfare activities expanded.    
             4.拥有两万份商业资讯册以增加曝光率                                    4. Have copies of the 20k commercial information in order to increase exposure
              人脉银行会员                                         Network of member banks
       1.可通过资讯册收集消费者名单。                                            1.book information collected by the consumer list.                  
              2.能帮助慈善团体筹集更多公益基金。                                   2.to help charities raise more public funds. 
              3.两万份资讯册既能拥有两万个消费者名单。                      3.copies of the 20,000 information consumers both have twenty thousand list.                
              4.收集到的名单以作为GBS短讯系统宣传用处。                   4.to compile a list to use as propaganda GBS SMS system.        
             * RM380(1/12)  -  RM680(2/12)  -  RM980 (4/12) -  RM1280(6/12)*
              诚邀5000位活动赞助商 :